A whole month since the last time I posted in here. I'm too busy these days with tons of works and assignments for my college. Anyway, I decided to post whenever there is a big important event...
Iraq was hit yesterday by sand storms resulted in the suspension of flights from and to Baghdad International Airport, and led to a poor visibility of less than one kilometre what compelled many citizens to stay home. The expertscities the negligence strategy «green belts» near the Sahara made Iraq the spring season of sand storms. The sand storm is coming from the east of the Mediterranean because of the difference in temperature between yesterday and the day before it. Sand storms cover most areas of Iraq and will move gradually to the southern areas simultaneously with the decrease in temperature. Also the scarcity of rainfall during last winter caused an increase sandstorms expected to occur in March and April of every year. Anyway, the weather got better this morning, but as I'm posting this article there are some yellowish heavy winds outside. I think the storm is being regenerated again.